
About Me
Regaining my balance

After having a bad fall getting out of the shower, I've been really struggling to feel confident on my feet and regain my balance. I have been doing some physical therapy and getting some followup support from my medical team to help me regain my confidence. I want to be able to live as an independent person and not always be worrying about slipping and hurting myself again. This blog has some tips from other people who have recovered from serious injuries and falls, and regained their confidence in their balance. I hope it will help other people in their journey to regain their balance.

Sound Voids and Hearing Loss

17 November 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Although you may be able to hear sounds, you may sometimes miss the actual words that are spoken.  This can lead to embarrassing misunderstandings during conversations, as illustrated in the following old joke: An elderly man remarked to his friend, "It's windy today, isn't it?"  His friend replied, "Really, I thought it was Thursday." These sound voids can be a sign of developing hearing loss.  But when should you seek advice from a hearing specialist? Read More …

Osteopathy: Vital Health Benefits for Seniors

17 November 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Osteopathy refers to the manipulation of the various muscles and joints in your body to provide relief from muscle tension, muscle inflammation, joint inflammation and more. As people grow older, their bodies begin to succumb to the different types of wear and tear that they have received over the years. As such, you will find that seniors tend to be most affected with chronic aches and pains. It is not uncommon to also find that these seniors then develop various ailments due to their advanced age. Read More …

Anti-Wrinkle Treatments: Natural Remedies You Can Make Right At Home

16 November 2016
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you walk into any given pharmacy or supermarket, you will find aisles dedicated to lotions and potions that promise to reverse the ageing process. Anti-wrinkle creams and gels are available in abundance and you could easily end up spending a small fortune in an attempt to remedy sagging or wrinkling skin on your face. Luckily, before spending money on these lotions and creams, you could first try to contend with wrinkles using homemade remedies. Read More …

4 Teeth Whitening Mistakes to Avoid

30 September 2014
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Be warned! As you strive to spiffy up your dull and shady smile, you can end up shooting yourself right in the foot, err, mouth. In your quest to getting gleaming white teeth, avoid the following teeth-whitening sins: Not talking to your dentist first A trip to the dentist can be such a drag. It is boring and uncomfortable to most people. Nonetheless, if you have plans of whitening your teeth, visiting the dentist every six months is crucial. Read More …

Physiotherapy for handling hamstring strains

16 September 2014
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Hamstring muscles are at the back of your thighs. Hamstring strains occur when the hamstring muscles or tendons are stretched beyond what they can bear up or torn due to excessive muscle stretching. This type of injury is common in sporting activities, and it ranges from minor strains to complete muscle rupture. Early treatment of strained hamstring is recommended for speedy recovery as well as a physiotherapist. The following are several strengthening exercises for the treatment of hamstring injuries. Read More …