7 Tips to Prevent Your Dentures from Slipping

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Regaining my balance

After having a bad fall getting out of the shower, I've been really struggling to feel confident on my feet and regain my balance. I have been doing some physical therapy and getting some followup support from my medical team to help me regain my confidence. I want to be able to live as an independent person and not always be worrying about slipping and hurting myself again. This blog has some tips from other people who have recovered from serious injuries and falls, and regained their confidence in their balance. I hope it will help other people in their journey to regain their balance.

7 Tips to Prevent Your Dentures from Slipping

5 January 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Many people who wear dentures notice that their dentures occasionally slip out of place, especially when they are eating tough, chewy foods. This can be embarrassing and can lead to some people feeling uncomfortable about eating in public. The following methods can all help to keep dentures in place, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without feeling self-conscious.

1. Spread Chewing Forces Across Your Mouth

If you chew on only one side of your mouth, the uneven distribution of forces can cause the dentures to tilt and slip out of place. Try to chew on both sides of the mouth at once to spread the forces evenly across the dentures.

2. Avoid Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is one of the worst habits for making dentures slip out of place. The sticky gum can pull the dentures out of their sockets. If you need something to freshen your breath, use mouthwash or suck on a sugar-free mint instead of using gum.

3. Eat Soft Foods

When your dentures are new, it's best to stick to soft foods like soup and mashed potatoes. These foods require only gentle chewing and won't cause your dentures to slip. As you get used to eating with dentures, you can introduce more foods, but try to avoid anything very chewy, such as well-done steak.

4. Don't Let Your Dentures Dry Out

Dentures are designed to function in a moist environment. If you let them dry out, their shape can warp slightly, and that can affect the fit. Keep your mouth moist by sipping water while you wear your dentures. When you're not wearing them, soak the dentures in a cleaning solution to keep them wet.

5. Be Gentle

Don't push or pull your dentures with too much force when inserting or removing them. The more force you apply, the more likely it is that your dentures will deform so they no longer fit your mouth. Instead, use a mirror to line the dentures up and gently push them onto your gums.

6. Try Denture Adhesive

Denture adhesive is a good option if your dentures keep slipping. Both pastes and powder forms of adhesive can hold dentures in place while you eat and drink. You can find denture adhesives at your local pharmacy.

7. Attend a Denture Clinic

If you are still struggling with your dentures after trying these tips, it's time to seek professional advice. Attending a denture clinic is a good way to find out why your dentures are slipping and get advice about holding them in place. You might discover that the shape of your mouth has changed slightly so that your dentures no longer fit, in which case you will need to get them replaced.