Regaining my balance

About Me
Regaining my balance

After having a bad fall getting out of the shower, I've been really struggling to feel confident on my feet and regain my balance. I have been doing some physical therapy and getting some followup support from my medical team to help me regain my confidence. I want to be able to live as an independent person and not always be worrying about slipping and hurting myself again. This blog has some tips from other people who have recovered from serious injuries and falls, and regained their confidence in their balance. I hope it will help other people in their journey to regain their balance.

The Healing Power of Physiotherapy

18 September 2024
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Physiotherapy is a form of physical therapy that focuses on restoring movement and function to the body through various exercises, stretches and manual therapy techniques. If you're recovering from a recent injury or someone seeking relief from back pain that won't go away, physiotherapy can help improve your quality of life. Learn more about physiotherapy for your overall health and wellness needs, especially in relation to movement and physical healing. Read More …

Understanding How Physiotherapy Can Help When Pregnant

17 May 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When you're pregnant, it's not uncommon to experience aches and pains and general discomfort, particularly in the later stages of your pregnancy. Your body goes through considerable changes including your centre of gravity changing as your bump grows, which can alter your posture and put strain on your back. Your body also begins releasing relaxin in preparation for labour. This is a hormone that loosens your ligaments. These changes can put pressure on your joints and muscles, but there are steps you can take to be as comfortable as possible while pregnant, such as getting enough rest, staying hydrated and doing gentle exercise regularly. Read More …

Don’t Lose The Protection: Why You Need A Covid-19 Booster

26 September 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you haven't gotten your Covid-19 booster, now's the time to schedule an appointment. You might think that you don't need a booster, but that's not the case. Covid-19 boosters help to provide continued protection against the virus. If you're not sure that you need a Covid-19 booster shot, read the list provided below. You'll find four important reasons to keep up-to-date on your Covid-19 vaccinations.  Covid-19 is Still Around Read More …

4 Reasons to Consider Getting an Ultrasound Scan

26 May 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

There are numerous reasons to get an ultrasound over other diagnostic imaging tests like CT scans or X-rays. Ultrasound relies on sound waves or echoes to take images inside a patient's body. Generally, this method offers numerous distinct benefits over other techniques because of its safety and convenience. Here are some reasons to choose ultrasound:  Offers Excellent Soft Tissue Visualisation  One of the best techniques used to visualise soft tissues is ultrasound. Read More …

Essential Considerations When Buying Reusable Heat Packs

7 December 2021
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Heat and cold therapy have been used to relieve pain for hundreds of years, which is evidence of its effectiveness. Notably, you can use either heat or cold treatment, depending on your condition. In fact, alternating between reusable heat and cold packs is advisable for people with joint pain, muscle spasms, and compressed nerves. That said, reusable heat and cold packs come in various models, and specific factors should guide your choice. Read More …